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"2015 China International Cement Summit"
Addtime:2015-11-14 10:36:47  |  Hits:2249

The theme of the meeting: the development of low-carbon green cement
September 2014, the State Council issued the "National Climate Change Plan (2014- 2020)," China's response to climate change clear timetable and roadmap.
2014 11 APEC conference held in Beijing, the two sides jointly issued the "Sino-US Joint Statement on Climate Change," China and the United States announced a reduction targets after 2020: in 2025, the United States will be reduced on the basis of 2005 row 26-28%. China plans to control carbon dioxide emissions peak around 2030, and as early as possible. Besides China plans by 2030 the proportion of non-fossil energy in primary energy consumption increased to about 20%.
Actively respond to climate change is related to the long-term interests of the Chinese nation and all mankind, firmly establish the concept of ecological civilization, and strive to walk a line with China's national conditions and development of economic sustainable development and a win-win deal with climate change. China to achieve emission reduction commitments, the development of low-carbon economy is imperative.
China as the world's cement production and consumption country, the cement industry carbon emission reduction task is arduous. China Cement Association bears the responsibility to lead the industry's healthy development, has set up the Committee of Experts of carbon emissions Association, aims to promote the implementation of national energy conservation policy in the industry. Cement carbon reduction practices in Europe and other developed countries have accumulated some experience, hope that by hosting the China Cement Association, 2015 China International Cement Summit, publicize and implement the Chinese government to carry out policies and regulations to reduce carbon emissions, and promote China's cement industry and international counterparts carbon abatement technology exchanges to promote carbon emission reduction standards, conduct and application of technology, training, and carbon trading work. Boot Chinese cement enterprises in line with social progress and scientific development, low-carbon, environmentally friendly, green and improve the economic efficiency of enterprises under the premise of health; to guide Chinese cement enterprises to enhance social responsibility, to their own development and overall social progress and development of corporate financing for the one; to guide Chinese cement enterprises to achieve carbon emission reductions are fully aware of the urgency of time and arduous task.
Meeting room to be invited to the State Department counselor, People's Republic of China National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Environmental Protection in charge of industry leaders attended; the World Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI), China Cement Association, made a special speech; Rafah group (297.5 yuan / ton, 0%) Cement, Holcim, Chinese building materials shares, CRH, Huaxin (343.75 yuan / ton, 0%) Cement, China Cement Association, the Expert Group and other units of carbon emissions do professional keynote speech.
Over the same period will be held "The 16th China International Cement Technology and Equipment Exhibition" conference.
The annual session of the "China International Cement Summit" for the global cement industry to build a very meaningful communication and exchange platform for colleagues to share the wisdom and experience of the industry. "China International Cement Summit" to get Chinese politics, industry, the financial sector as well as more international organizations, cement companies attention and response, has become an international cement world's most influential annual event.


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